Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Sushi Guy

I had the privilege of working here for a few months and unfortunately was let go because of health reasons. 
I have no hard feelings towards anyone in the company, but I must say the food prep and storage is sub par, thawed shellfish and chicken was stored above fresh food on multiple occasions. Food is actually defrosted in the same sink the dishes are washed in. On multiple occasions date stickers were replaced and food was continued to be used. The fish is advertised as fresh but all fish products are frozen. 
The idea and concept is great but hiring high school students and expecting them to uphold the standards of trained chefs will be their downfall. 
I believe that the only success they have is due to the fact that they are marketing in areas that are unfamiliar with the sophistication and tradition that actual sushi is. Years of training and skill are required to become a true sushi chef. 

Besides the mildly racist sides/ sauces.. round eye, juantons, I wish them all the best and hope they can find a niche in the sub-society they are targeting.